Round table with the authorities of Wrocław
Jun 6, 2024

On June 6, we held a round table with representatives of the authorities of Wrocław, as well as the National and Lower Silesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The President of the city addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.
Conference Results:
▪️ We received a lot of useful information, including details about business financing programs, which we will soon share with ABBA members. We discussed ways to prioritize presenting information to ABBA members about opportunities for obtaining funding and participating in programs for foreigners.
▪️ The authorities of Wrocław assured maximum support for the members of the Association. They noted that the chosen guidelines, courage, and commitment to democratic values deserve respect, and that business ethics are currently in high demand in society.
▪️ The appointed ambassador of ABBA in Wrocław is Raman Tsimafeyeu, the owner of Lasera Plus.
▪️ About 60 people participated in the event, and we received new applications for membership in the Association.
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